Monday, May 5, 2008

Reflection - week 9

1. What was the most important thing you learned this week?
What kind of passion is required to create something powerful and good in the world level. Yesterday I heard Berliner Philarmoniker with sir Simon Rattle. Wow, the fame they have does not come from nothing. I think you can do something really good if you like it and feel passionate about. I think that Estonian National Symphony Orchestra performs also good, but what differs them from BP is passion. Same thing is about teaching - to be a good teacher you have to feel passionate about it.

2. What was particularly interesting/boring in this week?
As this weeks assignment was reading and commenting the work of group-mates. Well, there was not much to read. First we don’t have learning contracts (this required divided roles). Then there are no materials in our collaboration space (but we will have them by the end of this week). I do hope that all group-mates will contribute finally something.
The only one who has done everything on time is Jasna. As usually I looked up some course-mates blogs: some of them are doing really great job and I admire the group-work of group1.

What was interesting: as I'm trying to write some reading reflections I did not finished on time, it is rather interesting to see how my thought about something change in time.

3. Was there something you didn’t quite understand and want to know more
about it?
Is self-directed learning only a nice theory? Self-directed learning and intrinsic motivation are so complex terms and they both have so many preconditions that maybe this is the reason why it is hard to see qualitative self-directed learning? Or maybe it does not succeed in formal education system as this system does not meet these preconditions? So many questions… I graduated andragogy few years ago and somehow I do believe in self-directed learning, but I don’t know success-stories from formal educational system. But there is always a chance that this theory has no real practical background.

4. What kind of questions/ideas/experiences this week’s activities raised for you?
How I can review something what does not exist :)

5. Which tools did you use this week, explain what was the purpose of using these tools (eg. social talk, to regulate my team activities, to work on documents)?
Skype - to communicate Jasna and Terje, MSN - to communicate with my friends, MS Word - to write reflections, blog - to post reflections and see whether others have done something, Moodle - for materials, wikispaces - to set up common space for our group, e-mail - to communicate friends/colleagues, doodle - to vote.

6. With whom did you communicate during this week, how many times, with which tools, and for what purposes?
With Jasna and Terje via Skype to discuss our group-work and how we should go further.

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