Monday, May 12, 2008

Reflection - week 10

1. What was the most important thing you learned this week?
Learning is social activity. I read just today Terjes question why our group did not communicate and discuss like this earlier. Well, we did not have a forum before and now we have a common goal to work together.
If we are talking about new generation (generation 2.0) then we must take into consideration that not only they are using different tools, but their way of thinking and contributing is also different. Forum enables quick discussion for many people, but the contributions are usually short. To communicate with many people blog is not flexible enough.

2. What was particularly interesting/boring in this week?
Interesting was how do different people think and work in forum. This was great. I really liked Olegs contribution (he knows a lot about football), but not only. I liked very much Olegs willingness to work further with the material and openness to have a dialogue.
What was interesting to me also was how do different people interpret the same information (vision in our case) and work with it.
It was nice that we did not have any reading materials for this week. I’m getting tired of this course as this is intensive.
What annoys me is that I can’t find enough time to write answers to my comments. I find these comments usually very interesting and I see them as part of discussion about elearning, but as we have always something new to do I put my priorities there. But I think that these comments are more useful to me to understand better the elearning world. So it makes me unhappy that I can not find enough time for this.

3. Was there something you didn’t quite understand and want to know more about it?

4. What kind of questions/ideas/experiences this week’s activities raised for you?
What are goals and sub-goals in course design?
And one remark also – during last week when it was clear to everybody what to do and how to do it, everything went well. Now we as a group are a bit stuck again and it seems that members of our group do not know what to do next.

5. Which tools did you use this week, explain what was the purpose of using these tools (eg. social talk, to regulate my team activities, to work on documents)?
Skype – group meeting to clarify our plans and activities. MSN - to communicate with my friends, MS Word - to write reflections, blog - to post reflections, Moodle - for materials, Wikispaces - to write my part of course design and comment the work of others, e-mail - to clarify what Teje meant by sub-goals and to communicate friends/colleagues.

6. With whom did you communicate during this week, how many times, with which tools, and for what purposes?
With our group and Terje.

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