Saturday, March 15, 2008

Week 2

What was the most important thing you learned this week?
From article: learning process must have fun together. This very important - perhaps even more important then knowledge about behaviourism, constructivism…
What was particularly interesting/boring in this week?
We still don’t have discussion, but it is not ease to have discussion with 70 persons and we just formed our group.
Interesting - I'm still trying to figure out how exactly work with this blog.
Was there something you didn’t quite understand and want to know more
about it?
There are some thoughts in my readings blog. I must sure how do authors understand "tacit knowledge" and how knowledge becomes "tacit".
What kind of questions/ideas/experiences this week’s activities raised for you?
Experiences … I'm a little more experienced how to handle my blog… but I'm still not an expert.
Which tools did you use this week, explain what was the purpose of using these tools (eg. social talk, to regulate my team activities, to work on documents)?
Moodle, Blog. I looked some links Moodle offered.
MSN, Skype - to communicate with my friends 
MS Word - to write reflections.
With whom did you communicate during this week, how many times, with which tools, and for what purposes?
There was no communication from my side with co-students during this week. I read blogs of co-students and facilitators and tried to figure out what kind of persons stand behind them.


Terje said...

Thank you for your reflection. I wonder what the participants think about this. Is it somewhat useful if you think back about your learning process or is it just a waste of time...last questions about the tools and communication are for our research purposes carried out in iCamp project.

kerstip said...

About reflection:
I don’t know what others think about this, but as an education scientist I think that this is very good and useful.