Monday, May 19, 2008

Reflection week 11

1. What was the most important thing you learned this week?
I was in Paris for few days in this week and I learned how wonderful world can be. How good the food can be and that it is possible to paint like Monet' did. I saw water lilies and I would now I know that it is possible to fall in love with … paintings.

2. What was particularly interesting/boring in this week?
Reading material offered again good ideas how to improve our course design. I do hope that my group-mates will contribute to do that.
Evaluation form I found very useful. It would have been good idea to introduce this earlier so that students would get more information about what is required. It certainly helped me - we are not so capable that we could think about everything.
Boring: I had no discussion about evaluation form with others. It seems that our group activated for one week only.

3. Was there something you didn’t quite understand and want to know more about it?
I guess not …
I'm not sure in evaluation criteria of this course. If some of members of group don't contribute and even local facilitators can't help to make it happen, then what can other members of the group do?
I'm not sure how I will evaluate the outcome of others. As this is experimental course and everything is not gone as planned earlier I don't think it is fair to be very hard on my course-mates. But at the same time: few of us are working quite hard and I don’t want to be unfair to them as well.

4. What kind of questions/ideas/experiences this week’s activities raised for you?
How to evaluate my group-mates….
And one other remark: even group 1 did not finished their evaluation form on time ….

5. Which tools did you use this week, explain what was the purpose of using these tools
MSN - to communicate with my friends, MS Word - to write reflections, blog - to post reflections, Moodle - for materials, Wikispaces - to write my part of course design and comment the work of others, e-mail - to clarify with Teje who should be our evaluators

6. With whom did you communicate during this week, how many times, with which tools, and for what purposes?
I posted few comments into our wikispaces area.

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