Monday, January 7, 2008

Open Source Management: The Quest of the Dwarves - Wesnoth developed by Blue Team

First: I have never played as much computer games as now.

I played twice The Quest of the Dwarves - Wesnoth developed by Blue Team. Second time I was more successful but even then I used several times the possibility to go back a few turns. After playing it for second time I found surprisingly the first mission the hardest one although the third one was also very difficult.

The drawings in the beginning of the game and between missions are very nice. The landscapes are very different - it seems that Blue Team has used all possibilities in map drawing. This is definitely strong element of the game.

I have to admit that all missions were quite hard. I used in every mission back turns to win.

In the first mission the ground of landscape was mainly sand and mountains and it was very difficult to move. This was a problem for me because I had no flying creatures unlike the Vampire Bats owned by the "Bad" team.

Second mission I liked the best. It might even be that this was the easiest one for me (or the reason might have been that I liked green landscape much more...)

Third mission had very difficult landscape and it was very difficult level because lots of villages were located closer to enemy. So the "Bads" had a chance to collect many buildings and raise lots of money and that was used to recruit more fighters.

The main goal was to resist until the end of turns. At the final mission it would have been more logical if the end would be "killing" the bad guy?

I would have preferred a more interesting story line, but then again - the story of our team was not more elaborate either. For example, it would have made me happier if I would have got to know what "The Thing" was or for what it was good for... At the beginning of the third mission there was a "gem", was this The Thing?

These were all just tiny remarks. Anyway I am impressed that we could do something like this. And I would like to congratulate the Blue Team for their good work done.