Monday, April 7, 2008

Reflection - week 5

1. What was the most important thing you learned this week?
Well … As I have one very interesting course called History and Visions of Interactive Media and all the material in this course is looked at through artistic approach then this shadows everything else what I learned this week. I'm beginning to understand where the roots of interactive media are and how interactive media developed. Sometimes it's not nice to look at (cutting eyes or things like this), but it has rocked my world. After this every other learning experience of this week does not seem too serious or important.
2. What was particularly interesting/boring in this week?
I'm still struggling with the design of this course. I'm afraid that quite a lot of students will have negative impression about elearning. And there are real lives behind this course: real credit points, real money, real disappointments.
It was interesting to see learning contracts done by some other students (reading material).
3. Was there something you didn’t quite understand and want to know more
about it?
Not really. I probably must do some reading about motivation to understand how to motivate (or what drives the motivation) people to learn. How in reality to support them.
4. What kind of questions/ideas/experiences this week’s activities raised for you?
Questions: whether students still suffer with the overload of information and assignments? I have understood that few students are communicating with Terje quite a lot. Even if this is just some social talk in the evening - why are they communicating only with the facilitator why not with the rest of the group? Is there a way how we could make our group blog to work? I'll try to write comments to our group blog if there is something to comment or something for me to say…
5. Which tools did you use this week, explain what was the purpose of using these tools (eg. social talk, to regulate my team activities, to work on documents)?
Skype, MSN, MS Word, blog, Moodle, wiki deki
6. With whom did you communicate during this week, how many times, with which tools, and for what purposes?
Had a nice conversation with Terje, Jasna, Robert and the outcome is that we will have an other session quite soon.

1 comment:

terje said...

I was thinking to take the same course, but I had my doubts. Now I can see that this is a nice one.
"Whether students still suffer with the overload of information and assignments?" I don't think so that this is the case for most of us. This course is some sort of experimental course and it is obvious that most of us like traditional ways as we have used to work like this for years during our university studies. If there is no clear structure, no framework anymore we encounter problems. We felt like being thrown into the deep end of the pool and expected to just swim. But we (at least researchers) strongly believe that educators should provide these kind of challenges to students in order to cope with the life after formal studies at the university. I remember myself becoming a teacher at secondary school after graduation. I was confused and felt that all the knowledge I tried to consume while I was at the university was useless, nothing worked out there, in real life. I would have appreciated to have these kind of experiences more while was studying at the university. But people are different, different ways of learning, different understanding...